Dimitris Lyacos interviewed by John Taylor in the New Walk Magazine, issue 12, May 2016
The Bitter Oleander Journal, Issue 22, Vol. 1, Spring 2016, New York
Me tous anthropous apo ti gefyra (With the people from the bridge), excerpt p. 48 of the English edition, in Unfollow Magazine, Issue 46, October 2015 Athens, Greece
Excerpts 1 and 5 in The Bitter Oleander Journal, Volume 21, Number 1. Spring 2015 New York
Z213: Exit, Extract 16 in The National Herald, Issue 688, December 2010, New York
Z213: Exit, Extract 1, 2 in Bordercrossing Berlin, Issue 1, Berlin 2007
Z213: Exit Extract 5, in Absinthe New European Writing, Issue 8, Autumn 2007, MI USA
Z213: Exit Extract 16, Arabesques Review, printed edition, Winter 2006, Algiers.
Der Erste Tod, XIII, Belletristik, Ausgabe 06, Berlin 2008
The first death IV-V, in "Γραφή" n. 30, Larissa Spring 1995.The first death II-III, in "Ευθύνη" n. 284 Athens August 1995
A feature on Dimitris Lyacos trilogy in the Journal of Poetics Research including a wide selection of excerpts and an article by Robert Zaller. October 2017, Sydney, Australia.
Asymptote Journal. An excerpt from Z213: EXIT (Second Revised Edition). English translation accompanied by Greek original and audio version. October 2016
Page 9 (1986) and 11,13 (1989) in "il Portolano" n. 4 October-December 1995, Florence, Italy. Italian translation by Dr. Emanuela Perrone.
Your name appears on various lists of postmodern literature, among others, in the new edition of Fran Mason’s Historical Dictionary of Postmodernist Literature and Theater. In fact, you are the only Greek author included in a volume spanning more than half a century of postmodernism. In the “Lyacos” entry of the dictionary, your work is classified as late modernist/postmodernist and you are also mentioned in the preface as a postmodernist author ...
Fonti di ispirazione di Dimitris Lyacos: «La Bibbia certo, e l'Antico testamento in particolare per il primo libro, i presocratici, ma ovviamente la filosofia non solo greca, la tragedia greca, Dante». E poi: antropologia, teologia, fisica, poesia, logica... E ancora: «Parlando della mia trilogia, qualche volta ho notato che Z213: Exit è il mio libro ebraico, Con la gente dal ponte quello cristiano e La prima morte il libro greco. Uno potrebbe pensare a Filottete». Del resto, non è strana questa influenza della cultura greca antica, dato che Lyacos è nato ad Atene nel 1966. E non è strano che il protagonista sia un uomo in viaggio, come Ulisse, immerso in una fuga allucinogena fra terre desolate, prigioni, amori inutili, violenza, morti che risorgono, visioni divine [...]
Chapter L from Until the Victim Becomes our Own. Many congratulations go to Andrew Barrett.